Thursday, June 11, 2009

Red Ball Project - June 9, 2009

The Red Ball was at First Canadian Place on Tuesday.

Lady Fairchilde, Robi and I were standing across the street.
Getting some general perspective shots.
Waiting for a TTC Streetcar to go by so it can be included in the shot.
We're patiently waiting.

Some guy walks by.
What's with the red ball?" he asks.
He looks confused.
I put on my best poker face and said:
"It's art."
He gives me a You've-Got-to-be-Kidding look.
I raise my hand to stop him.
"I know," I said "I don't think it's art either.
But just look at that.
It's a huge red ball.
That's cool, man!"
He glances over at the ball.
He's not convinced.
And walks off.

About five minutes later, he's back.
He's taking pictures with his cell phone.
See [nodding sagely to myself].
The Big Red Ball is addictive, isn't it?
I'm all smug now.

I have some close ups over at my photo blog.
If you're interested.
Even if you're not, go take a peek.
Humour me, alright?


Anonymous said...

Loving the big red ball!

Anonymous said...

that was really fun. i have been to all the sites, and it is so cool to see how different the crowds are. i am looking forward to the weekend.